Why Do I Wake Up With A Headache?

Woman lying down waking up with a headache. Why do I wake up with a headache?

Why Do I Wake Up With A Headache?

Wondering why you wake up with a headache? Read below to learn some helpful tips to combat this.

There are a number of things that can contribute to waking up with a headache. Sleeping posture, pillow type, hydration levels, posture throughout the day. Additonally stress can be a contributor to tension and headaches.

Here are some steps to take to avoid waking up with a headache:

Follow this neck stretching routine before bed every night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iENnu9djF9I.

Working at a desk? Be intentional about taking posture breaks throughout the day. “Breuggers” (https://youtu.be/hV1i7z2MrW0) is a great position/stretch to hold for 30-60 seconds every hour throughout the workday to help maintain healthier posture.

Sleeping posture and pillow type go hand in hand. When laying down in bed the aim is to maintain a neutral spine. The pillows job is to support the head and neck in a neutral position. If the pillow places the neck at an odd angle it may be time to look at an alternative.

Hydration! Water is a key component in battling headaches at any time of the day. When waking up with headaches if there is a feeling of being “hungover” or with “dry mouth” it is likely due to not drinking enough water the previous day. Start today off with a tall glass of water!

AND! Book in for a treatment with one of our amazing practitioners here!

Additional Resources to browse:

Deep Neck Flexors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iENnu9djF9I

Neck Stretches: https://youtu.be/BGpXRablepM

Shoulder Blade Stability: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP_qF2f7lno

Breuggers: https://youtu.be/hV1i7z2MrW0

Hopefully this helped to solve why you may wake up with a headache, and additionally how to solve it!

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