What is Kinotek?
MYo Lab uses Kinotek, a digital health platform revolutionizing musculoskeletal treatment and care. This platform allows you to objectively see your recovery and be motivated by your progress. It provides a whole new way to see your body and take your recovery into your own hands alongside your Practitioner.
This accurate, efficient, and timely technology allows for the combination of the skilled eye of our Practitioners along with the precise and accurate measuring of this platform. You will be able to see 3D visuals of your movement patterns from a single recording, before and after comparisons from the start and end of your care plan, and be able to quantify your progress over time with objective data.
Want to experience Kinotek for yourself?
All of our Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Personal Training Initial Assessments utilize Kinotek software as part of your care and wellness plans. At the end of your care plan, it is a great and objective way to see how far you’ve come, motivating you to continue on a wellness plan! Book in with one of our Practitioners now!