What is Therapeutic Massage?

What Is Therapeutic Massage?

What is Therapeutic Massage?

Never been for a therapeutic massage? Wondering what the difference is between a therapeutic treatment versus a relaxation treatment? Read on to find out what the biggest differences between these two common massage styles are.

Relaxation Massage:

When no specific health issues are present, a relaxation massage is the way to go. The goal is to leave the treatment session feeling relaxed. Techniques used during relaxation massage are called Swedish Massage Techniques. Methods include effleurage, long strokes, static holds, rocking and tapotement. Additionally, they help to reduce stress, promote circulation, and can be gentler than the therapeutic approach. Typically, spas perform relaxation massages.

Therapeutic Massage:

Therapeutic massage helps when there is a specific ailment, pathology, injury, acute or chronic health issue. Additionally, techniques used will help to restore function, reduce pain, and help to resolve the complaint. It incorporates assessment, stretching, combined treatment plans that may include other manual therapists, and utilizes homecare for healing and recovery. Usually, a therapeutic massage takes place in a clinical setting, offering a variation of modalities under one roof.

Emphasis on therapeutic massage for recovery, injury prevention and mobility restoration is the approach here at MYo Lab.

Within the team, RMTs will be taking care of muscular and connective tissue restrictions. It is important to remember that one approach is not exclusive of the other. If coming in for a relaxation treatment, it does not mean there won’t be therapeutic elements incorporated into the treatment. Moreover the same goes for a therapeutic massage to ensure that the care feels good. Lastly, MYo’s RMT’s can discuss treatment options and create a care plan that will utilize the best approach for recovery.

We are always accepting new members who are ready to commit to their health and wellness journey. If you are ready to experience the MYo difference, book now so one of our team members can welcome you to the MYo Lab community!

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