How Often Should I Get a Massage?

How Often Should I Get a Massage?

Wondering how often to get a massage? Is there such a thing as TOO MUCH massage? (There isn’t, but maybe there’s a bit of a bias over here..).

Everyone knows that getting a massage is a great way to relieve stress, relax muscles, and promote overall wellness. Although, how often to get a massage is very subjective. At MYo, the approach to treatment frequency is pretty different. Things like: “ok, come in every month for a massage and you’re going to feel better” just aren’t said here. Obviously a massage every three or four weeks will maintain an overall feeling of feeling pretty good! It won’t, however, address and help rehabilitate what may be going on with within the body.

At MYo, clinicians strongly believe in taking a holistic, whole-body, interdisciplinary approach to care. Several different orthopaedic tests will be utilized as well as assessing soft tissue, joints and muscles. Then from that consideration of the objective findings will be used to determine which practitioners should be seen, the frequency and number of treatments. Then an evidence-based Standards of Care is utilized in order to guide how often treatment should be had, to ensure the most effective and efficient outcome. So, the long answer, is the body and what is happening to it, will determine how often a Massage visit should be had.

We are always accepting new members who are ready to commit to their health and wellness journey. If you are ready to experience the MYo difference, book now so one of our team members can welcome you to the MYo Lab community!

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