Dumbbells or Cables?

Dumbbells Or Cables?

Dumbbells or Cables?

Dumbbells or Cables? Which is better? Let’s find out!

This can be a common question that can lead to confusion for those who may or may not be new to the gym.


The biggest difference noticed when using a cable machine is the constant tension that is being placed on the muscles during use. This allows easy increase in the time under tension during exercise and can lead to increased muscular hypertrophy. Cable machines can be more versatile as they allow for a variety of exercises on a single machine and may be safer than dumbbells when starting out in the gym.


Dumbbells however require you to use more stabilizing muscles since the load is not fixed, which is an important factor to consider when creating an exercise routine. Time under tension can still be achieved using dumbbells, but not as easily due to the external load not being on a fixed pulley system.

So, which is better?

To answer the question simply, one is not better than the other but has different pros and cons to using them that must be explored in order to determine which will be right for the goals you are trying to achieve. Ultimately it comes down to the weight that’s being lifted, in which case dumbbells often have more variety and the amount of stabilizing muscles that are being recruited and or desired tension on the muscles. However using both ensures that all bases required to have a well rounded exercise routine are covered.

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