Let’s Chat About Birth

Let's Chat About Birth

Let’s Chat About Birth

In this blog post let’s chat about birth!

More specifically, let’s chat about birth plans. The reality is, it’s not about c-sections vs. natural births. It is much, much more complicated than that when it comes to preparing for this absurdly-athletic event they call “giving birth.”

When it comes right down to it, the birth plan is about you, and your preferences.

Some advice will break it down into what you want before birth, during labour and delivery, for emergencies, and for your newborn. Hopefully, your preferences will line up with that of your doctor or the person who will be delivering your baby. Even if all you know is what you don’t want to happen, that’s a great place to start. Regardless, it is important to work with your team, discussing your expectations and desires, as well as what is actually feasible based on the location you’ll be giving birth, your unique health history, and even what resources you have available to you.

That being said, the reality is that it is impossible to prepare for every single birthing scenario.

Weather and traffic make great additions to a birth story. Babies don’t always behave the way we want them to. When the plan does need to change, and you are faced with the reality of c-section when you wanted a natural birth, or an un-medicated birth when you were really hoping for that epidural, it’s not uncommon to experience all the stages of grief as a result. You might be experiencing that before birth because you had a heads-up, or in the weeks to follow with a newborn that arrived differently than you’d hoped. Don’t rush the process, and reach out for help when it feels like it’s too much to process.

Our Chiropractor Dr. Chantelle Green, our Physiotherapist Lydia Carter, and our Registered Massage Therapists Gillian Suderman and Lauren Dickey all focus on pre- and post- natal pregnancy care. Click on their names or call our Member Services team at (403) 930-8686 to get booked in today!

We are always accepting new members who are ready to commit to their health and wellness journey. If you are ready to experience the MYo difference, book now so one of our team members can welcome you to the MYo Lab community!

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