What Is Fascia And Why Is It Important?

what is fascia and why is it important?

What Is Fascia And Why Is It Important?

What is fascia and why is it important?

Fascia is a web-like connective tissue that overlays all other tissues in the body to create a fibrous protection and barrier. Every single muscle is wrapped in fascia and each bundle of fascia is connected to another bundle of fascia, which means that everything in the body is connected to everything else.

The body has twelve known fascial planes. Because of the way these fascial lines/planes tie into each other, any restriction at one point can cause tightness/pain at another point, most notably in the same line.

As Practitioners, we often note patterns in how restricted sections of fascia affect other areas of the network, which may lead to pain signals firing to different points. We work through these restrictions through something called myofascial release.

The goal of myofascial release is to stretch and loosen the fascia so that it and other contiguous structures can move more freely, thereby restoring your motion. This is typically done through therapeutic massage that works to loosen the fascia or connective tissue of the body and restore proper, pain-free movement and function. There are also many ways you can do self-myofascial release, for example through foam rolling or using a massage gun.

How’s your fascia? Click here to book in for a therapeutic massage with one of our Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) today!

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