The Top 10 Massage Therapy Questions

man getting a back massage from a MYo Lab expert in MYo Lab Health & Wellness center

The Top 10 Massage Therapy Questions

Here are the top 10 Massage Therapy questions answered!

These are the questions that we get from our current members and those curious about being a member at MYo Lab!

1. Why do I need massage?

Everyone has something different going on in their life and Massage Therapy is an effective treatment for relieving any tension, stress and pain/discomfort you may be feeling in those moments. Each treatment is tailored to your personal needs and the RMT will help you understand what your body is trying to communicate to you.

2. Do I have to get fully unclothed for the massage?

No. It comes down to your own personal comfort level. Our RMT’s are able to adapt the treatment and are competent and professional in their draping skills. We maintain the highest level of privacy when exposing the area needing treatment and always take your feelings into consideration. Don’t be afraid to ask the RMT prior to the massage if you are unsure what needs to be removed.

As a quick reference:

•Full body treatments – everything off but underwear can stay on

•Lower body treatments – upper body clothing is optional, but pants are best removed (underwear remain on, but shorts are a great option to wear if you are uncomfortable just lying in your underwear)

•Upper body treatments – clothing waist up removed is ideal

•Females – if you would feel more comfortable leaving a bra on, please wear a bra that has minimal straps or the back can be unhooked, while the back is worked on.

The oil we use should not stain your clothing but this is not guaranteed. If you do prefer to keep any clothing items on during the treatment, make sure it is clothes you are okay with possibly getting oil marks on.

3. Do Massage Therapists get offended when they are called Masseuses?

Each therapist is different in how they would like to be addressed. Masseuse is a broad term and is usually used in the spa setting. Most Massage Therapists, in a clinic setting, prefer to be addressed a Massage Therapist or Registered Massage Therapist (RMT).

4. Should you tip your Massage Therapist?

Here at MYo Lab, our RMTs do not accept tips. As we do appreciate the kind gesture, hearing thank you and seeing our members leave happy is the best sort of tip we could receive.

5. How often do I have to get a massage once I start?

If you are coming in feeling healthy and good with minimal complaints, we ask our members to come back within 4-6 weeks for maintenance. If you are coming in to get a certain condition or injury treated it varies from weekly to bi-weekly until the area has been properly treated and the main complaint is resolved.

6. Can I get a massage if I am super ticklish?

Yes, you can still get a massage if you are ticklish. Please communicate with your RMT your ticklish areas so different techniques can be used or the area can be avoided (if possible). If you suffer from being ticklish all over and are unable to relax into the treatment and it feels like torture, massage may not be the best fit for you. Doing more work with Chiro, Physio or stretching/rolling with a Personal Trainer to get loosen tension and rehab will be your best option!

7. What if I am uncomfortable with someone touching me?

This is common in the massage world, as some people do not like to be touched due to multiple reasons. Our RMTs are extremely professional and compassionate towards your needs. If you are uncomfortable with having certain areas touched, please communicate this to the RMT, so they can ensure complete comfort during your treatment. If it is the hands on (skin-skin) touch you are uncomfortable with, we can still provide massage over top of clothing, sheets or towels to get similar results.

8. Why does that spot hurt? What is that?!

Simply put, muscle tension and muscle adhesions (knots) hurt when we pass over them because the lack of blood flow to that muscle. Our job as RMTs is to increase that blood flow into the muscle so it can resort back to its normal healthy state. What is a knot? A knot is when the muscle fibres no longer run parallel with each other. They become crossed and “tangled.” What is that “snapping” or “crunchy” feeling? This is when a muscle or tendon slides over a bony bump. Why does that spot refer down into other areas? This is called a trigger point. A trigger point is a small knot in the muscle that can cause pain where it originates or further away, in a spot that seems completely unconnected.

9. Should you talk during your massage or not?

This is completely up to you! We are open to talking during the whole treatment, minimal talking or zero talking at all.

10. When should you do a 30 min, 60 min or 90 min massage?

The time of the massage depends on your personal want/needs. For example:

•30 min massage – quick, in-and-out massage that focuses on primary area of complaint

•60 min massage – best for when multiple areas of the body need to be addressed and treated

•90 min massage – Usually full body treatments, which mix in therapeutic and relaxation techniques

Click here to book a massage at MYo Lab today!

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