Why Did I Become A Personal Trainer?

Why Did I Become A Personal Trainer?

One of our Personal Trainers Hannah answers the question: why did I become a Personal Trainer?

My interest in health and wellness began at a young age, but especially once I started high school. I took a few strength and conditioning option classes which led me to getting my first gym membership as soon as I could drive. From here I fell in love with the way that strength training made me feel. After graduating high school I knew I wanted to pursue a job that would allow me to help people. Since I loved being active and had a strong knowledge base about exercise, personal training was a natural fit.

Especially after finding the gym and falling down the rabbit hole of fad workouts and diets that are everywhere on the internet. With all the misleading information out there, I wanted to help people so that they did not make the same mistakes I did when first getting into the gym. Such as, the importance of rest days and fueling your body so that you get results in a sustainable and healthy way.

Ultimately, I wanted to help people enjoy exercise and make it a part of their lifestyle, instead of the bane of their existence. This led me to pursuing a degree in kinesiology and ultimately Personal Training after graduating from school, which is what I am doing now at MYo Lab!

We are always accepting new members who are ready to commit to their health and wellness journey. If you are ready to experience the MYo difference, book now so one of our team members can welcome you to the MYo Lab community!

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