What Consists Of A Full Body Massage?

massage therapy room

What Consists Of A Full Body Massage?

What consists of a full body massage? In this blog post we answer that question for you!

For a full body massage, we recommend no less than 60 minutes and 90 minutes is even better to ensure we have enough time to address any concerns we come across during the treatment. We always tailor our treatments to fit your specific needs, giving more time and attention to your areas of concern. A full body massage consists of a variety of different massage techniques, ranging from effleurage, petrissage, myofascial release, and deep tissue techniques depending on your body’s needs.

We are often asked “what should I wear?” and the answer is simply “whatever you feel the most comfortable in.” We are able to work the most smoothly and effectively on the skin directly, some members chose to completely undress or just leave on their underwear. But we’re able to adjust our treatments if you would like to remain partially or completely dressed. It is important to note that only the area we are directly working on will be uncovered during the treatment and positioning and draping will be used to maintain your privacy and comfort.

Most commonly a full body massage starts with you face down on the table underneath the provided sheet and blanket. From this position treatment will be provided to the glutes and posterior hip, then down the leg and foot. Next, we will move up to the back, working through the various layers of muscles along the spine and into the posterior shoulder complex (“rotator cuff” muscles). This position also gives us good access to the back of the neck, arms and hands, but these areas are often addressed when the client is in supine position (laying on their back). The majority of the treatment time tends to be spent is this prone (face down) position.

At this time, you will be asked to flip over onto your back. While in supine positions we can easily access and treat the quads, lower leg and feet. Then, we will move to the pectoral or chest area and down the arms into the hands. Finally, the neck! Many members favourite part of the treatment is the neck massage. Addressing muscles from the base of your skull down into the upper trap and pectoral area. Some members request a scalp or face massage as well.

Every Massage Therapist has their own style and flow of treatment. So, some aspects of a massage may look or feel different, but we all share the goal of getting you to feel your best! A full body massage consists of treatment to the whole body, using a variety of massage techniques based on the discretion of your Practitioner. More time may be spent in certain areas depending on your specific complaint or area of concern.

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