Why Is It Important To Have A Regular Exercise Routine?

why is it important to have a regular exercise routine?

Why Is It Important To Have A Regular Exercise Routine?

Why is it important to have a regular exercise routine?

Before we get into the physical benefits of a regular exercise routine, it is important to first note the mental side of it. By having a regular workout routine, you are setting your day up for success. Getting to hit that checkbox by having your workout complete gives you a win for the day. No matter the difficulties you are going through you still got that win. Besides the psychological win, it has also been shown to reduce stress, improve sleep, improve mood and increase your overall energy. In a society where tons of aspects can negate these things, it is important to refill this cup.

However, the more well-known side of it deals with the physical benefits. Regular exercise has been shown to strengthen bones and muscles, reduce your health risk (cardiovascular disease, diabetes etc.) as well as help manage more chronic health conditions.

While all these things are great, without making this a consistent routine these benefits will likely not be achieved, so how do you do that?

The first thing to look at is how can you make it easy to implement. Factors to look into this will include distance to the gym/workout area and timing in the day. We can all agree that you are much less likely to make excuses to hit the gym if you have a 5 minute drive versus a 40 minute one. Potentially another option is looking to do some home workout options, we’ve all been there through COVID-19!

The next thing to look into is doing something you enjoy. Take this one with a grain of salt because sometimes the things we hate doing are going to be the most beneficial, plus once we complete them it is a great feeling.

Lastly, schedule everything out. By having things written down, knowing what you want to accomplish that workout, it again cuts out excuses of not get it done. Eventually after developing this routine, it will no longer feel like work and will be something you enjoy. If you have been struggling to develop a routine, reach out to one of our Personal Trainers to help guide you through the process!

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