14 May Why Is My Lower Back Spazzing?
Why is my lower back spazzing? Read below to find out why this may be happening.
It has happened to everyone. Simply bending forward to tie shoes, pick up a dropped pencil or put on socks in the morning. A seizing pain shoots into the back and everything stops. Why did something so simple create such an excruciating pain?
The term, ‘the straw that broke the camels back’ has never been so true. Over time, if moving with improper biomechanics, the tissue in the body is eventually irritated to the point where something needs to be done. This is where a lower back spasm can be seen as the muscles in the area try to guard and protect the body from creating further irritation.
How can this be avoided? Two primary methods:
1. Hip Hinging: this is where the axis of rotation is through the hips; meaning keeping a flat back while bending forward and keeping stress out of these joints in the low back.
2. Core: engaging the core will provide some stability to the lower back and help prevent any micro-movements which may lead to a spasm.
Back spasms can be a scary thing. It is important to be thoroughly assessed to understand why the body is going into this protective mechanism.
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