Things That Drive Your Practitioner Nuts

physiotherapy room

Things That Drive Your Practitioner Nuts

This blog post is all about things that drive your Practitioner nuts!

So we know we’re all Canadian and we aren’t supposed to talk about the things that bug us, but we thought this was an important (and fun) topic to write about!

When you lie about how you didn’t do your home care. Guys. Honestly. Stop it. We can probably tell. And more importantly, we’re not upset that you didn’t do the exercises. We want you to do the exercises for you own benefit. They will make the difference long-term. And they make the care plan successful. When you’re doing your exercises, it means that you’re working to correct whatever caused your pain in the first place, rather than waiting for us to try to correct it for you.

Without the home care, there is a much greater chance that you’ll re-injure yourself, or that you won’t get better as quickly as you might like to. Also, the other reason we hate it when you lie? We have certain expectations for how you will progress through care, based on our assessment, the treatments, and the home care plan. If you drop the ball on the home care plan, it makes it very difficult for us to tell if your slower-than-expected progression is because of the lack of exercises, or if we missed something critical in the assessment. The exercises you do at home keep us as the Practitioner accountable for your recovery.

When you censor yourself during treatment. Okay, no one is saying you should start swearing like a sailor if that’s not your thing. But Practitioners rely on your feedback to deliver effective treatment. We’ve heard it all. Trust me. There are things members have told us mid-hip flexor treatment that we want engraved on our tombstones. On a more serious note though, we’re trying to Goldilocks everything we do to your and your body, which means which muscles are tender for you, how much pressure is appropriate for you, and what modality is more beneficial for you. There is no magical “scale” of 0-10 that’s universal and therefore we can find the exact 5-7 for every person. That sweet spot changes, for every person, and sometimes even for every treatment. Let us know how you’re feeling.

We do want to say, if you’re the type of person who knows that they’re never going to do any exercises that your Practitioners give you, let us know that too. We can adjust your care plan to account for that. It may not stop us from making recommendations about things you can do to keep feeling well, but the upfront communication is key for a successful relationship between a member and a Practitioner.

We are always accepting new members who are ready to commit to their health and wellness journey. If you are ready to experience the MYo difference, book now so one of our team members can welcome you to the MYo Lab community!

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