05 Feb Should You Get Custom Foot Orthotics?
Should you get custom foot orthotics?
Custom foot orthotics have been around for quite some time now with some professions and practices built solely (pun intended) around the utilization of custom orthotics, while others use the product as an adjunct to other modalities/recommendations.
Many professionals offer custom foot orthotics including Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, Pedorthists, Podiatrists, Chiropodists, Orthotists, and more. At MYo Lab our Chiropractors and Physiotherapists use orthotics as an adjunct to manual therapy and strengthening exercises, and can help fit you for the perfect pair of custom orthotics.
If you have extended health care benefits for Chiro, Physio, and Massage, it’s likely you have coverage for orthotics as well, but be sure to check the fine print on how much is covered ($ or %), if coverage renews annually or bi-annually, and if you require a note from an MD, or one of the above-listed professionals.
If you have never tried orthotics we do suggest giving them a try as people who don’t have any substantial complaints of pain who have tried custom orthotics have ended up reported feeling better, less fatigued by the end of the day, and even more explosive in athletic events.
And if you have foot/ankle/knee/hip/low-back pain then this becomes an even more likely beneficial tool for you. Research shows that about 90% of people have asymmetric feet, bringing the importance of custom orthotics versus over the counter orthotics you can get at your local sport or drugstore. These orthotics are often much better than nothing, but of course they aren’t set exactly to the specifications and asymmetries of your feet but rather are built the exact same on the left insert as the right.
The unfortunate reality of a culture wearing shoes are that some of the intrinsic foot muscles get lazy and the arches can drop, so custom orthotics can help act similar to a brace to support these arches while receiving appropriate manual therapy and strengthening exercises. Common “side-effects” of custom orthotics include initial foot discomfort (similar to building muscle you may experience soreness), blisters (if shoes are now too tight with the insert included, which is why we offer very thin carbon-fibre inserts and suggest taking out the factory inserts that come in your shoes), and mild other joint discomforts as your body’s alignment may be shifting into a more optimal position.
At MYo Lab we do not believe custom foot orthotics are fully necessary for most people, nor do we see them as a fix-all, though we do also believe many people will notice benefits from this product, and if you are already paying into a benefits package that includes custom foot orthotics we do suggest giving them a try to see just how much they can help you! Whether young or old, active or not so active, we would all benefit from a more optimally function body, and this is just another tool to help achieve that.
Click here to book in for a custom orthotics fitting today!
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