How To Get Rid Of Jaw Pain

How To Get Rid Of Jaw Pain

How To Get Rid Of Jaw Pain

In this blog post we are going to talk about how to get rid of jaw pain!

The most common cause of jaw pain is known as Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD). Getting rid of jaw pain is often a multi-dimensional approach from soft tissue therapy to wearing a mouth guard. Some options to help alleviate jaw pain include:

Chiropractic/Massage Therapy

• Soft tissue working the jaw musculature (including the temporalis, masseter, and lateral and medial pterygoid muscles)

• Acupuncture to the surrounding musculature

• Mobilization of the jaw

Wearing A Mouth Guard

• This can help with clenching/grinding of the teeth when stressed or throughout the night

What You Can Do For Immediate Care At Home

• Moist heat and ice packs to the area of pain

• Ibuprofen

• Massaging the muscles surrounding the joint by using your index and middle finger – press the sore areas of your jaw, rub in circular motions for 5-10 rotations and then open your mouth and repeat the exercise

Lifestyle Changes To Address If This Is A Chronic Issue

• Stress reduction (e.g., exercise, yoga, journaling, meditation)

• Avoid chewy foods (e.g., beef jerky, steak, gum, etc.)

Check out our YouTube video on stretches and strengthening for the jaw

Most doctors and medical professionals will recommend taking a conservative non-invasive approach such as the ones listed above. However, if you are continuing to have pain, seeking out care from a Dentist or Chiropractor can make a world of difference, which may include Botox injections to the area.

If you need help getting rid of jaw pain, click below to book in for a session the following Practitioners who most enjoy helping with jaw pain:







Massage Therapy


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