How To Get Rid Of Headaches Fast

how to get rid of headaches fast

How To Get Rid Of Headaches Fast

Are you wanting to know how to get rid of headaches fast?

There are many different types of headaches: tension-type, cervicogenic, cluster, and for those who live in YYC-Chinook headaches. Headaches can be debilitating and inhibit someone from completing activities of daily living, so we are going to cover how you can get rid of headaches fast.

Get Assessed And Treated By A Professional

Headaches are usually described as a dull ache or throbbing that starts at the base of the skull or in the forehead that may spread to other parts of the head or face. This can be a result of muscle and or joint factors in the neck that cause or contribute to headaches. Actually, the majority of headaches are caused by joint or soft tissue impairments, so getting a Chiropractic adjustment and/or manual therapy done will be a fast and effective way to get rid of your headaches.


Some superficial muscles that most Practitioners will focus on are upper traps, sternorcletomastoid, suboccipitals, and temporalis. These muscles are also easily accessible for individuals to practice self-massage. Performing your own self release can dramatically decrease symptoms of a headache quickly.

Hydrotherapy And Essential Oils

Adding a cold/cool cloth to the back of your neck or forehead can help relieve the immediate throbbing discomfort. Peppermint can be very effective as it contains menthol which provides a natural cooling sensation to help calm muscles which can decrease the severity of the headache.

These methods will help get rid of your headache fast. Self-release and essential oils are great and can help for immediate results, but for long term success we recommend booking an Initial Assessment with a Practitioner. You will get properly assessed to determine the root cause of your headache so you are not chasing the symptoms and can get rid of headaches altogether.

We are always accepting new members who are ready to commit to their health and wellness journey. If you are ready to experience the MYo difference, book now so one of our team members can welcome you to the MYo Lab community!

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