Do You Actually Need Multidisciplinary Care?

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Do You Actually Need Multidisciplinary Care?

Do you actually need multidisciplinary care?

Well. Define “need”.

If you’re a member at MYo Lab, you know it’s pretty rare to not be treated by more than one Practitioner. Our team works collaboratively, and we make recommendations for who we think would be a good addition to your health care team.

But do you actually need multidisciplinary care?

To quote Sheldon Cooper’s response to the idea of “need”: “We have to take in nourishment, expel waste and inhale enough oxygen to keep our cells from dying. Everything else is optional”.

That being said, there is a reason why we work with multiple professions. The best research evidence shows that when you break down treatment into adjustments, massage or soft tissue work, exercise, and nutrition or supplementation, and compare the results, people get better fastest and stay feeling good longest when you combine treatment modalities. As in, adjustments and soft tissue and exercise is way more beneficial than just massage or just exercise or just adjustments. And adjustments and soft tissue isn’t as good as adjustment and soft tissue and exercise.

We are evidence-based in our practice. This is why we will continue recommending that you see multiple Practitioners for your care. That doesn’t necessarily mean only at MYo Lab either. What you choose to do with the recommendations is up to you.

We are always accepting new members who are ready to commit to their health and wellness journey. If you are tired of receiving care that doesn’t seem to “stick” and are ready to experience the MYo difference, book now so one of our friendly team members can welcome you to the MYo Lab community today!

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