Direct Billing
MYo Lab is excited to offer our members the option for direct billing for a variety of extended health care insurance companies for our Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Massage Therapy services. Additionally, our Chiropractors and Physiotherapists incorporate exercise-based rehabilitation into treatment plans, which may also be eligible for extended health care insurance. Allow our Member Services team to do a complimentary benefits check for you during your first visit with us!
It is important to note that our Practitioners recommend care and wellness plans based on what they feel will provide our members the best opportunities to reach their health and wellness goals.
Your Care Plan
Your care plan is based on symptoms like pain and/or tension, which are often the last thing to show up, and the first thing to leave. Making people feel better short-term is not difficult, and thus it is not our passion. Our passion is to help people move better, so they can feel better long-term. Depending on the severity of your complaint it could take more treatments at the beginning of the plan, so we are not taking 1-step forward and 2-steps back.
Your Wellness Plan
Once we resolve your primary concern our team will work with you to recommends a wellness program that fits your lifestyle and goals, so your healthcare doesn’t become reactive but rather a stable force in your personal journey.
Direct billing is available for those with the following health insurance companies:
•Alberta Blue Cross
•Benecaid Benefits
•Benefits Plan Administrators (BPA)
•Campus Trust
•Canada Life (Great-West/London/Canada Life)
•Canadian Construction Workers Union
•Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan
•Equitable Life
•First Canadian Insurance Corporation
•GMS Carrier 49
•GMS Carrier 50
•GreenShield Canada
•Group Health
•Group Source
•Honeybee Benefits
•IA Financial Group
•Johnson Insurance
•Johnston Group
•La Capitale Insurance and Financial Services
•LiUNA Local 183
•LiUNA Local 506
•Maximum Benefit
•People Corporation
•Sunlife Financial
•TELUS AdjudiCare
•Union Benefits
•UV Insurance