05 Jan Why Is A Pelvic Approach To Chiropractic Care Important?
In this blog post we will explain why a pelvic approach to Chiropractic Care is important.
The pelvis is the largest bony structure in the human body, consisting of two ilium on either side and the midline sacrum. Through direct attachments to the legs, indirect attachments to the arms through muscle/fascial insertions and being a foundation to the rest of the spine, dysfunction here can create a lot of issues elsewhere in the body.
With both these direct and indirect attachments it is important to address any issues in the pelvis in conjunction with treating your primary area of complaint. This method is a full body approach to find the true areas of dysfunction, not just running to the area of pain.
Studies demonstrated by Walter Herzog (2010) determined that adjustments in the low back can create a reflex response (muscle relaxation) to areas much further from where it is applied. Specifically, adjustments to the low back were able to create this phenomena as far as the shoulder in some subjects.
Problems in certain areas can create compensations and issues up or down the kinetic chain. If any dysfunctions are found in the pelvis, it is important to not only work on your area of primary concern but also address problems elsewhere in the body.
A very common pattern we see at MYo Lab that is indicative of a pelvis joint dysfunction is a history of pain or injuries most commonly on one side of the body, or someone reporting the feeling that one side of their body just doesn’t engage as well as the other through physical activity. If this is the case with you, or you would simply like to be assessed for this, book in with one of our Chiropractors today!
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