26 Apr Why I Chose To Become A Chiropractor
Our Chiropractor, Chiropractic Team Lead, and COO Chantelle speaks on the statement: why I chose to become a Chiropractor.
When I was about 15 and dancing recreationally, over the course of a summer, I lost a ton of the range of motion in my hips. I don’t remember what happened that summer, but I went from being able to sit on the floor with my feet together and knees on the ground to feeling like my knees were up by my ears. Suffice it to say, it made ballet class hard. But I had a great instructor that year who passed on a business card to her Chiropractor. And away we went.
I had no idea what I was in for. I didn’t know anything about the profession. I had a fascination with the human body, but really hadn’t learned all that much about it. But this is what I was supposed to do, so I laid down on a table and let a virtual stranger dig his thumbs into muscles I didn’t even know were sore.
I’m pretty sure I cried. There would have been swearing if my mother hadn’t been in the room.
And then I stood up and felt 6 inches taller. That Chiropractor didn’t adjust me that day (or actually for about the next 5 years), but I walked out of that office knowing that I wanted to spend my life helping other people feel that good.
I continued to see that Chiropractor for years on and off, and whenever my hips would start to tighten, I’d march straight back. I was too intimidated to tell him that he’d inspired my life’s course, until I was well into university and he happened to ask me what I wanted to do when I graduated. I shyly admitted that I was going to become a Chiropractor. From that moment on, he became a resource. He answered every question I had about the various schools, he let me come shadow him in his clinic, he made recommendations for what extra courses I should take, and whether he knew it or not, he kept me motivated.
So, shout out to Dr. MacIntyre, because without him, I wouldn’t be the Chiropractor I am today.
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