25 Apr When Should My Kids Get Chiropractic Care?
You may be wondering the answer to the question: when should my kids get Chiropractic care?
The short answer to that question is anytime. You can schedule an appointment for your kids at any point in time. The longer answer to that question is, well… longer.
First, some background. We’ve always hesitated to really encourage parents to bring their kids in for treatment because it brings up a whole host of historic issues with kids and Chiropractic. Without diving too far into the issues, Chiropractors have previously claimed to treat and cure disease that they have no evidence or basis for, and a lot of those claims have been directed at parents about their kids. We will neither make those claims, nor name those claims.
So why should you seek Chiropractic care for your kids? Well. They have body and muscles and joints just like adults, and they can get hurt in similar ways. Kids, especially young athletes, sprain ankles and injure knees and get whiplash or they spend too much time rough-housing on a trampoline and start complaining about their backs hurting. You should feel comfortable bringing kids into the Lab for those types of concerns. Some kids also just love to be “popped” and they can come in for wellness visits for that too. Or some kids never ever want to be popped, but you know they could use some at-home exercises. That works for us too.
Chiropractic care for kids tends to be more symptom or pain-based than wellness care. It doesn’t have to be, but that’s the tendency. And that’s okay. As they grow, as school places more demands on them, as they develop neck pain from bending over a desk or a phone, they can move into a wellness care model that helps prevent some of these issues. And if you want to get your kids in for treatment, but they seem less-than-keen, bring them to your next appointment. They can get more comfortable with our Practitioners without any pressure and see what we’re about in the Lab.
Click here to book in with one of our Chiropractors today!
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