Treat Whiplash Safely from Home


Treat Whiplash Safely from Home

Whiplash is an injury to the neck tissues that occurs when the head is violently and suddenly rocked forward and back. Most associate whiplash with a rear-ended auto accident, and they’re not wrong; in fact, 86% of Canadians injured in a motor vehicle accident most likely will develop whiplash. That being said, it’s incredibly common and can happen for many other reasons, including a blow to the chin, a tackle or hit in sports, and a forceful pull of the arms.

The condition ranges in severity, but even if your discomfort is minor, it can disrupt your routine, focus, and stress levels.

Your local chiropractor is an excellent first line of defence after any kind of accident. Whether in pain or not, it’s responsible to learn of any imbalances or injuries to ensure your body is fully functioning and pain doesn’t sneak up on you.

While chiropractic care is best for safe and effective whiplash treatment, sometimes, you just need relief now. This post gives three ways to naturally relieve whiplash discomfort at home.

How to Alleviate Whiplash Pain At Home

There’s nothing like pain to destroy your day, so when you’re in it, you want relief as quickly as possible. Far too often, people assume the medicine cabinet is the place to find the relief they’re looking for.

However, below are three chiropractor-approved ways to get whiplash relief at home right now. Each is natural, safe, and contributes to the healing process.

Apply ice and heat to the neck

After an accident that caused whiplash, putting ice on the neck, shoulders, and upper back as soon as you can will dissuade further inflammation in the vulnerable tissues.

When injured, the body innately sends valuable blood, nutrients, and oxygen to the injury. This is a key factor in healing, but it can also cause irritation, exasperating tissue inflammation and compression and causing more pain, stiffness, and loss of range of motion.

Apply an ice pack to the area for 10 to 15 minutes every three to four hours.

Once the inflammation has been controlled (usually after the first 24 hours), add heat to your treatment. A heating pad on the neck offers soothing properties, relaxing tense muscles as pain is reduced. Use the same schedule as with icing alone, but take turns between ice and heat with each session.

Rest and support the neck

Even as you watch TV, work on your computer, or scroll on your handheld device, your neck is active and holding the weight of your head, so making time to rest the neck is vital.

When we rest, the body has time to recover and restore itself; this is especially true when injured.

Putting too much pressure on the neck can create further harm, so when you can, support your neck by using a U-shaped pillow, headrest, and firm sleeping pillows that encourage a straight spine.

Stretch and massage the neck

Gentle stretches and massage improve circulation, remove restrictions, reduce tension, and garner relaxation, flexibility, and proper movement patterns.

Stretches that can reduce discomfort associated with your whiplash injury include:

  • Stand straight with your shoulders pulled down and away from your ears. Lower your chin to your chest and trace a line straight back up with your nose until your head is bent back as far as comfortably able; repeat.
  • Stand or sit straight with your shoulders pulled down and away from your ears. Turn your head from side to side and hold for a beat on each side.
  • Drop the ear over the corresponding shoulder and hold. Repeat on the other side.
  • Lower the chin and circle the head to the side, back, other side, and front. Switch to go the other way.

Be gentle while stretching, and always listen to your body; too much force can ignite more pain.

Massage can alleviate discomfort and promote relaxation in the soft tissues as anxiety and mental stress diminish. Managing mental stress while experiencing a neck injury is crucial because stress often manifests physically in the neck, which can heighten your discomfort.

Massage and stretch are great for achieving overall balance, comfort, and function in both body and mind.

Again, pay attention and discontinue activities that worsen your neck pain.

If you have questions about your recovery, check out our blogs: Expected Recovery from Whiplash and How Long Does Whiplash Last after a Car Accident?

Chiropractic Care for Whiplash Relief in Calgary

These tips may help alleviate pain related to whiplash, but lasting results come from treating the injury itself. Our whiplash chiropractor offers services to assess your body and identify all imbalances, ensuring you receive the optimal treatment strategy.

Utilizing our safe, noninvasive chiropractic solutions,  you’ll get care that works with your body to stimulate holistic healing. We know the last thing your body needs after an accident is further trauma.

Let our Calgary chiropractic care team create a plan unique to your needs, supporting you in effective and efficient healing.

Common chiropractic services and techniques we use to treat whiplash include:

Our chiropractic clinic is here to help you thrive. Schedule your appointment today and get the natural whiplash relief you deserve.

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