Can You See A Chiropractor If You’re Pregnant?

Can You See A Chiropractor If You're Pregnant?

Can You See A Chiropractor If You’re Pregnant?

You may be wondering the answer to the question: can you see a Chiropractor if you’re pregnant?

Short answer: mostly likely yes. Long answer. Most likely yes.

Pregnancy is such a “fun” time in a woman’s life. Many women report insane back pain, nausea, and emotional roller coasters to name a few things.

Alright, all seriousness now. What’s the benefit in seeing a Chiropractor when you’re pregnant? It’s essentially two-fold.

(1) Pain relief. Let’s be real. It’s likely that there’s not a single woman who had an entirely pain-free pregnancy. Simply the addition of a belly that shifts the centre of gravity is enough to hurt. And then we add in the hormones that relax ligaments, and the cramps, and the stretching of the core muscles and what we’re left with is a body that endures an awful lot. Enter Chiropractic care.

We can’t do anything about the fact that there’s a human growing inside you, but we can help your body cope with the changes through adjustments, soft tissue work, and exercises.

(2) Pelvic floor preparation. Unless they’ve invented some new way of carrying children to term, pregnancy itself is hard on the pelvic floor. Although most Chiropractors aren’t trained to directly treat the pelvic floor (shout out to the Pelvic Floor Physios, real MVP’s over there!), the pelvic floor is affected by the positioning of the pelvis in general, and also it’s part of the core, so we’re gonna talk about it. Preparing your pelvic floor for birth can be tremendously helpful during birth, but it can also help your recovery after. And also, if you think you don’t need help from a professional because you already know how to do kegels, you’re missing 75% of what pelvic floor training is.

But wait, at the start, you said “mostly likely yes.” Yes I did. Because I understand that not every pregnancy is the same. When a pregnancy is high-risk, we go conservative. Which means it would be worthwhile to talk to your doctor about their thoughts, and if they are super anti-chiropractic, ask them why. If they give you the green light, awesome. Book an appointment and let’s get your body moving well and feeling well.

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