How To Manage SI Joint Pain

How To Manage SI Joint Pain

How To Manage SI Joint Pain

Are you wondering how to manage SI joint pain?

There are a multitude of different approaches to health care and conservative treatment, and one that has gained a lot of traction in research recently is the idea of regional interdependence—the idea that you have one body that is connected, and dysfunction in one body part can impact other areas, even if they don’t seem connected at first glance.

At MYo Lab, we are committed to a comprehensive therapeutic approach, and a comprehensive approach requires a starting point. For us, the starting point is the pelvis.  We’ve seen dysfunction in the pelvis manifest as changes in movement patterns that affected a golf swing, and we’ve seen it change the way the hips move, making it harder to run. By taking a whole-body approach, the team at MYo Lab can work to identify root causes of issues and address them first, which leads to the effective and long-lasting results you’re after.

Why does it matter?

Well, it changes how your MYo Lab Practitioner approaches your complaint.

Holistic Approach: When you view the body as a whole, and understand the connections and interactions between the various systems and structures, your MYo Lab Practitioner is able to see how an issue in one area might create a problem somewhere else, and seek out the underlying contributing factors. This perspective leads to targeted and effective care plans that take into account the broader context of your health.

Preventing Recurrence: We know you don’t want to be in pain forever. That’s why you seek care. But we also know that you don’t want your pain to come back. Treating your symptoms in isolation helps, but the relief is often temporary, because you haven’t gotten to the root cause. If we can resolve the contributing factors to your symptoms, we can reduce the likelihood of recurrence and promote long-term wellness, in addition to reducing your pain.

Enhanced Functionality: The body is complex and each part plays a role in your overall function. By addressing all the interconnected regions, we can optimize your biomechanics, which will then improve your movement, flexibility, and performance, and can lead to improvements you didn’t even think were possible. So why the pelvis as the starting point? The pelvis is essentially the centre of the body—it supports the spine and is a part of your functional core, it influences posture and movement patterns, and is a key structure for all walking and running gait patterns.

Core Stability: The pelvis is a stable structure that most of the core musculature connects to. Proper strengthening across these muscles and across the pelvis can have amazing effects on the entire body, reducing your risk of injury and improving your overall function.

Posture and Movement: The spine sits on top of the pelvis, which means that dysfunctions in the pelvis can significantly impact how you stand and move, so addressing these dysfunctions promotes proper movement mechanics, and can make your everyday life easier.

Gait: The pelvis is a key structure with walking and running. Correcting dysfunctions can improve even just the simple act of walking. 

MYo Lab prioritizes a whole-body approach to your care, and we start at the pelvis, to improve your function. The interconnected approach can lead to long-lasting relief, preventing recurrences and improving your overall wellness.

Curious about how this might work for you? Give us a call at (403) 903-8686 or book online!

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